
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Updates: What's New?

Hi Guys, 

I know I've been off the radar for a few posts, but it's all for good reason.
I've been considering my options, and decided that I want to post 3 times a week instead of 2.

I'm thinking Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday as the day's I'm going to post, whaddyathink?

I'm aiming to slip in a weekly roundup on a Sunday, and then sticking to reviews and regular posts on Tuesday and Thursday.

If you've got any requests of what you want to see me posting then leave them in the comments below, and I'll try and fit as many requests in as I can.

Everything'll be back to the new normal on Sunday!

So see you then!


  1. Yay to more Lunnybunnyloves posts! :D
    I don't know whether you're still set on a beauty-only blog but I personally would like to see more of your OOTD posts, they were really interesting and it's always good to see different styles, you know, for inspiration. Other than that, more of the fab topics you're doing now please! :) x

  2. It's a shame you're not posting anymore, this blog was a good one to read.

    Em x

  3. I agree with Emma, please come back to blogging Lunnybunny!! :D <3

  4. I don't usually comment on blogs but I felt I should here because I'm with the above. I found this page recently but I absolutely loved reading through it. Your posts are unique, useful and enjoyable. It would be great if you started posting again, though I do hope the reason you stopped was nothing too major or serious. I'll definitely be checking back from time to time and really, really hope to see a new Lunnybunnyloves post soon! Sammy xx

  5. It's a massive shame you haven't blogged again :( you have a great and funny style of writing, really enjoyed reading your posts and would have loved to have seen more! I'm not sure you will see this but if you do, please please please start blogging again! :) x
